Water - we can't survive without it. We're made of it. We love to play in it. But damn if it just pisses me off sometimes. For example, today I finally decided to tackle the mess that is the basement. I was going along at a pretty good clip - throwing away little crappy toys and organizing the keepers. I got a little brain storm about how to make Bella's room less cluttered by bringing her play kitchen down to the basement. I went over to the space I thought appropriate to size it up. As I knelt down on the carpet to hide the Fios cable my knee and my hands felt moisture. Shit! Not again. We have replaced our basement carpeting two times already because of water. Recently an overflowing toilet upstairs sent torrents of water onto the carpet resulting in hours of wet vacuuming and steam cleaning. And now this.
So, I thought I'd try to find the source of the wetness. At first I thought perhaps the cats had reverted to their pre-litter trained days. But there was no tell-tale odor, just a musty smell. I pulled back the carpet here and there and found the wetness to be contained to a small area butting up against the laundry room and bathroom walls. Of course, it must be coming from one of those places. But the laundry room floor was dry. So was the bathroom. Even the shower which had previously been the cause of one of the floods was bone dry. Hmmm.
Well, I thought I'd better get the rest of the toys organized if I was going to have to call in an expert so I went back to straightening. I took Bella's roller skates out to the garage. My brand new iron for work was on the floor and I noticed the box was soaked. Strange! So I looked at the surrounding garage floor to see water running down toward the driveway. SHIT! This water seems to be coming from the joining of the wall and floor behind some shelving.
Because of my knee, I'm afraid to move anything heavy (especially since I hurt it this morning just bending over to pick a weed out of the garden) so I can't even move the shelves to see where it's coming from. Since this wall is the exterior of the furnace room I thought maybe there was a leak in the hot water heater. But that floor is dry too. I'm at a loss!
I'm still hoping the water inside the basement is coming from the dehumidifier. I'm conducting a little experiment with that now. But the garage one has me completely stumped.
I called my neighbor Dave for some expert advice but he's not home yet. He'll know what to do. He's fixed a few of my plumbing problems in the past and I hope he can help me with this one too.
So, if anyone has any ideas or knows a good plumber let me know. Oh, gotta go, Dave's calling. I'll let you know what happens.
Why are you so angry about Obama?
15 years ago
1 comment:
So the garage leak has been solved. Frank called and asked about it so I went down to the garage to be more specific. He was asking lots of leaking questions to which I answered no - Is the wall wet? Is there a pipe there? etc. Then he asked, "Is there something on the shelf leaking?" Eureka! It was two 2-gallon water containers which had somehow sprung leaks and were dripping on the shelf which filled up and then dripped on the floor. Phew, no costly repairs there.
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